Access FREE Online Training

New! Equal Rights Now Academy is here.

So many of you have asked for training and we now have the ability to offer free lessons in history, advocacy, legal aspects, and social media to any of you around the world in our very own Equal Rights Now Academy.

Access our first lesson below and, if you want access to the entire curriculum, just do any of the following steps:

  • Complete the petition. We will add you to the online academy and send you a notice. Already completed it? No worries. Invitations to will go out this week to all of you 🙂
  • Make a donation. All of our donors receive full access to our academy, no matter the size of the contribution. We’ll add existing donors this week and we sincerely thank you for your support, but making a financial contribution is NOT necessary to access the courses.
  • Just ask! If it’s easier for you, just visit the contact form and send us a message asking to be added to the academy. If you’ve reached out to volunteer in the past, you’ll automatically receive your invitation this week.

Education is power and we are just getting started sharing as much knowledge and as many tools as we can. So go ahead and take a look at Lesson 1 below. It’s just the start of a truly powerful aspect of this movement we are building together.

Watch our first Equal Rights Now Academy Lesson!

By adding your name to this petition you are agreeing to comply with the Terms of Service of this website. Please note: We value your privacy! It is our policy not to sell or publish any of your contact information. We partner with Reine Media Incorporated to provide media and communications services including email newsletters, merchandise sales, and the administration of our training platform. Accordingly, you may occasionally receive a communication on our behalf from Reine Media and they are also under the obligation to keep your data protected, secure, and private.



Mailing Address
13046 Race Track Road
Suite 248
Tampa, FL 33626

This site is brought to you in part by Shawna Presley Vercher, The Political Fixer.
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